Most of my life has been dedicated to service and recovery – and when I discovered Thai Massage this alignment to serve met my passion. I was a single dad raising two kids. And now I am a bodyworker.  I’m a United States Army veteran. I have been in Alcohol Addiction Recovery for 25 plus years.

I found yoga in the midst of fatherhood in 1998, continued to commit to those seeking sobriety, and eventually became a yoga teacher in 2016 when my kids became more independent, and I had the time for deeper self-discovery.


The History

Most of us get a little soft in the heart when we think of the Buddha, like “oh yeah, that guy.” Thai massage is a branch of Traditional Thai medicine, and Thai medicine is rooted in Buddhism. That’s the short story. Just like western doctors specialize in pediatrics, surgery, oncology, etc., Thai Doctors specialize too — Herbalism. Divination. Spirit Medicine. Massage.

Thai Massage is based on the elements that are found in nature. The practice respects that our bodies contain these elements: ether, wind, fire, water, earth. We are all the same, and still a bit different. Thai massage works in harmony with these elements using physical touch with an energetic basis.

The Logistics

The therapist and the client wear comfy clothes. There is a big cushy futon for relaxing. Eating lightly before your service is recommended. Hydration after is encouraged. The sessions can have a spa-like relaxation quality, especially if the client is stressed and depleted. They can also have a chatty and uplifting quality.

The Benefits
  • Reduces Tension
  • Increases Clarity
  • Releases Stress
  • Invigorates Spirit

Services Available

I offer 90-minute sessions. First time clients please allow 15 minutes to get your intake processes settled, and I can start to craft your session based on your needs. This preps the first session and will address the areas you have identified and likely reveal some additional curiosities. Packages are recommended for those who want to continue to feel in balance and want to keep that equanimity.

Single Sessions & Packages (in Mendota Heights, MN)

90 Minute
Prices Vary – Click “Book Now” for current rates

3 – 90-minute sessions
Prices Vary – Click “Book Now” for current rates

Single Sessions (in Mankato, MN)

90 Minute
Prices Vary – Click “Book Now” for current rates

Single Sessions (in Minneapolis, MN)

90 Minute
Prices Vary – Click “Book Now” for current rates


Planning a special event such as a wedding, retreat or a small party? Provide a unique experience for your guests by treating them to on-site Thai Yoga Bodywork. Contact me to discuss your options.


Most of my life has been dedicated to service and recovery – and when I discovered Thai Massage this alignment to serve met my passion. I was a single dad raising two kids. And now I am a bodyworker. I’m a United States Army veteran. I have been in Alcohol Addiction Recovery for 25 plus years.

I found yoga in the midst of fatherhood in 1998, continued to commit to those seeking sobriety, and eventually became a yoga teacher in 2016 when my kids became more independent, and I had the time for deeper self-discovery.

In 2017 my calling to Thai Yoga Bodywork presented and I became a dedicated student under the guidance of Tanya Boigenzahn at Devanadi School in Minneapolis. When a door opened, I walked through it. And what a journey it has been. In 2018 and 2023 I traveled to Thailand and studied massage at Boonthumme Thai Massage school, Chaing Mai. I’ve worked at yoga conferences, neighborhood markets, yoga and fitness studios, and I am dedicated to creating safe space for healing.

Contact JAMIE

Ready to see what Thai Yoga Bodywork can do for you? Either Book a Session or feel free to reach out to ask any questions you may have.

Phone: 952-484-1778

Sessions are available at:

Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
750 Main Street, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN 55118

Menari Body Works
237 Belgrade Avenue
North Mankato, MN, 56003

Devanadi School of Yoga & Wellness
14401 Upton Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55410